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Decision fatigue is a real thing. It can happen to anyone, but it is most common in high-pressure industries like finance and sales. This article aims to explain how decision fatigue happens, why it happens, and how you can combat it so that you don't let yourself become overwhelmed by decisions or lose focus on the important ones.

What is decision fatigue?

Decision fatigue is the result of making too many decisions in a short period of time. It's not just about the quantity of your decisions but also their quality.

Decisions are draining, and when you constantly have to make them—whether it's about your career or something as simple as what movie to watch on Netflix—it can cause poor decision-making. You may find yourself choosing the wrong option because you're exhausted from all these choices!

Decisions can be physical (e.g., "Do I run ahead or wait?"), mental (e.g., "Should we go right here or left here?"), emotional (e.g., "I don't want this anymore!"), or even big ones like buying a house or getting married, divorced, remarried, etc.

How does it happen?

Decision fatigue is a term that describes the mental exhaustion that comes from making too many decisions. It's caused by the brain's attempt to conserve energy, and it can be compounded by lack of sleep, stress, and poor nutrition.

The body needs adequate rest so that you can make good decisions when you need them—a concept called "sleep debt." The less time we spend in bed before going to work or school at night, the more likely we are to make bad decisions later on in life as our bodies struggle with sleep deprivation.

Stress also increases our risk of making poor choices because it makes us feel like there's no margin for error when making choices about what direction our lives should take next! This means even if someone doesn't have any specific problems with depression or anxiety disorders (which could explain why they're stressed), their mind might still be working overtime because they live under pressure from outside forces such as work deadlines or family obligations.

Why does it happen?

Decision fatigue is a real phenomenon, and it can happen to anyone. It's caused by the brain being overloaded with too many decisions, and it's not just about making decisions but also about remembering them.

How do you combat it?

Consider taking a break. You don't have to make every decision yourself; sometimes it's better to ask someone else for help.

Sleep more: When you're tired, your brain is less likely to be able to process information quickly and accurately. If you're not getting enough sleep (which is good for all aspects of life), try taking naps during the day instead of waiting until later in the day when your body is exhausted from a lack of rest.

Exercise regularly: Physical activity releases endorphins into your bloodstream that help reduce stress levels while improving mood and mental health overall. Just make sure that whatever exercise regimen suits fit into your schedule so that there aren't any gaps between workouts or activities where no activity will occur at all!

Ask others for advice. Don't feel like you need permission from others before asking them questions about their experiences in similar situations; instead, encourage this kind of open communication so you can understand other people's situations better and feel more comfortable taking risks together as well as individually.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of decisions you have to make every day, then this could help! Understanding how your brain works will help you make better decisions so that they don’t eat up all your time.

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