School, work, life itself teaches us things.
Often, we’re asked this dreaded question by others: “What did you learn?”
I want to share my experience about my time here at Lady in the Red Dress PR/Marketing and discuss what I’ve learned, not only about myself, but about professionalism, being a responsible employee, and a number of other lessons I plan to take with me into the future.
First, let me tell you all a little about me. For those who don’t know, my name is Dre
Hill. I’m going into my junior year at Drury University where I’m completing my bachelor’s degree in animation and minoring in both fine arts and writing. I had no knowledge or understanding of marketing prior to my time here, but I can say that I have in fact learned a thing or two as my time here concludes.
I would be remiss if I did not first give a big thank you to CEO and founder, Edwina
Gray, for taking a chance and giving me this opportunity. It was a pleasure to learn and grow further into myself and my gifts, while discovering new ones along the way, under her tutelage.
Time waits for no man. That had never been more apparent to me until now. Time is
fleeting and can quickly pass us by if we’re not careful. I often found myself juggling multiple different projects on a weekly basis and both time management and organization were crucial in ensuring that everything was completed to meet deadlines. I found myself carving out chunks of time on each workday to dedicate strictly to certain projects, to ensure they progressed on time.
Communication is critical to all functions and operations. Clear communication opens the opportunity for all questions to be answered and misunderstandings worked out. Clear and direct lines of communication also ensure that everyone is abreast of what’s happening with any ongoing projects: status updates, project needs, complications, newly arisen questions.
Professionalism is more than just getting your work done and getting it done on time. It’s making good on your word, because your word is your bond. Arriving on time, which is generally early, as often as possible within one’s own control. Taking the time to be patient and understanding. Courteous and respectful decorum and business interaction. Professionalism is not an image, but an embodiment. One that we should all strive to embody daily. An expression, of putting our best feet forward and going above and beyond where we can.
While hard work and securing the bag is important, so is making time to relax, socialize, and indulge in one’s own creative devices. Taking part in some of the Celebrating with The Collective proceedings has underscored not only to do what you love for work, but to do what you love outside of work. Find time to sing, sew, bake, bedazzle, or crochet. You’ll stay mentally and emotionally refreshed and on particularly tough days at the office, whatever it may look like, you will have something to lift your spirits when you clock out. Additionally, remember to leave work at work.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Lady In The Red Dress PR/Marketing. I’ve
learned much and experienced even more. I leave with a sense of fulfillment in my heart and excitement for what the future brings as I jump into the next semester of my educational journey. I hope these blogs have touched you in some way, encouraged you, helped you, and inspired you. I thank you for taking the time to read them and share them.
It has been my privilege and honor to have worked with such amazing people. As we part for now, I know I have contacts that I can fall back upon for advice, information, and reference. For that, I am grateful. Cheers to the future and the collaborations that are to come, the friends and business partners old and new, and the dreams that us dreamers will continuously chase as we transform our reality!
The Intern